Mon - 1h55m: Good run up Back Valley Rd. Backpack & 2 gels, loosing my taste for Cliff Shots.
Tues - 1h42min: Good morning run up into Arrrowstone, 64up, 38 down. Bumped into a dozen horses on the range. Magnificent.
Wed - 55+: 3x2xHill (93, 95, 93, 94, 92, 93) off jog down and walk down. Pushed myself out the door sore and tired but managed a solid workout. Things seem to be coming around.
Thurs - 30min: one degree for every minute. Good recovery day, long meeting day sitting on my butt.
Fri - 60m: nice easy run, definitely feeling the training effect from the hill-work.
Sat - 4h34m: about 35miles. Deadman's Creek and back. 30 degrees at the end. Last 90mins or so was excruciating, walked for at least 15mins of it. Legs and feet beat to death.
Sun - Off: busy day and tired
Total - 10h36m
Happy with this week of training. I managed to squeeze out a good hill workout on tired legs and really toughed it out on my long run saturday. The legs have really come around and despite some tightness in my left hip on the long run which worked itself out (I think) the body is holding up really well with a 85+ mile week, which is more than i've done in quite a while. I'll do half a hill workout on tuesday, take it easy for the remainder of the week and hopefully have a good one next sunday. It was a big week in general with work, running, schoolwork, canning for the first time and spending a couple of nights out.
Last night I had a bit of a scare staying upper hat creek way with a distressed cow or bull walking up to my tent at 330am. I woke up thinking I had awoken because I was a bit cold so I zipped up my sleeping bag, but then heard a large animal outside my tent. I had no clue what it was but could sense its size, so I froze until it left. Oddly enough prior to my waking the passenger side door of my truck opened enough to make the interior light go on. So anyway the animal walked off and started making this really distressed breathing noise like it was giving birth. Of course not knowing the sound I lay in the dark thinking of the worst case scenario that its a wounded animal. Anyway once it gets a little further away it starts making a weird ungulate barking kind of noise, so I knew it wasn't a big injured bear and back to sleep I went after closing my truck door. In the morning I checked out the tracks and walked up the road and sure enough there were a bunch of cows in the other side of a fence, so could be it was a big bull on my side. I was definitely happy to see the tracks since there was no explanation for my truck door and with the mysterious sounds the only other conclusion would have been...sasquatch.

Earlier this week I stayed the night out on the north side of Kamloops Lake. It was a gorgeous spot and had the company of 30 head of Sweláps (Big Horn Sheep).
Speqpeq7úwí ell sxúsem (Saskatoon berries and Soapberry juice concentrate)